Sunday, March 10, 2013

A little less than a month left!

Another month down. Another week down. This is all going by so fast and it's hard to believe that I will be home in 27 days! Like what? I can't even wrap my head around the idea that my study abroad experience is almost over. It's back to reality in 27 days. Back to work, back to figuring out what I am going to do with my life after graduation. My time here has definitely been amazing so far and I am really looking forward to what the next 27 days has in store for me!
This past week has been pretty boring. I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-5, so I have more time to sleep in and actually be productive. This hasn't really happened the way I anticipate it to. But, nevertheless, I do enjoy not having Spanish class in the morning for 4 hours every day! Thursday night my program took us all out to a reggae bar. We all just sat around catching up since we don't really see everyone as often anymore. At the bar there was this weird balance game, needless to say I tried to do it and surprisingly, I didn't fall and hurt myself! It was a very fun night
This weekend there was a Art Festival in downtown San Jose called Transarte. My friends and I tried to find the festival on Friday. After walking around hopelessly for about an hour we gave up and just went to the Artisan market instead. I bought a hammock for $20! I have no idea where it is going to go yet in my house, but I'm sure I will figure something out!
Saturday, I decided to give the Art Festival another try. This time I went with my Concordia Texas friends who all went on Friday. It turns out that me and my friends were only 2 blocks away from the festival when we were walking around! The festival was pretty cool. They had a stage with performers along with lots of booth for vendors to sell their crafts. I didn't buy anything but it was so cool to look at. The most amazing vendor there, in my opinion, was a guy who made paintings with spray paint in about 10 minutes! Talk about amazing. I tried to win the piece he was auctioning off, but unfortunately, I didn't win at all. Afterwards we walked around to get food and we stopped by the artisan market again.
Today, I woke up bright and early to run a 5k race for International Women's day. I was excited because it was my first 5k since my freshman year of college. I ran it in about 24:50. That isn't my best time, but I think a few things could have attributed to this. For starters, the course was pretty up and down hill. Second, I didn't know the course and it wasn't marked at all, so I wasn't really able to time myself and adjust accordingly like I normally am able to do. Despite all that though, it was a great race and it felt good to be able to run something like that. After I got home, I took a much needed nap and just spend the rest of the day watching movies on Netflix. As we speak, my mom is on her way here! I'm getting pumped and I can't wait to go pick her up at the airport!
This week, I will attempt to post everyday after all of the activities me and my mom do. But lets be real, don't hold me to that. We all know how much of a slacker I have been when it comes to this blog!

:) Aracelis

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